How to Find TBI Groups in Your Community

How to Find TBI Groups in Your CommunityWhen you or a family member has suffered a traumatic brain injury, you may feel a bit alone and isolated. You may feel like other people may not be able to relate to the hardships you face. The best way to cope is to seek out others who are going through the same thing. TBI groups are a great way to find other families and individuals who are going through recovery for a TBI. Here are a few ways that you can find TBI groups in your community.

Look Online

The Internet is one of the best ways to find groups in your area. Social media can help you connect with people going through similar circumstances. Facebook groups are a fantastic way to meet people with TBIs or are taking care of a family member with a brain injury.

Ask Your Doctor

Doctors, especially specialists often have many patients and get to know the local support groups available either in or outside the hospital. Many specialist offices also have a designated social worker who can connect you with local resources. If you are having trouble finding groups in your area, call your doctors office and ask if they can point you in the right direction.

Create Your Own

If you are unable to find any groups in your area, you should take the opportunity to create your own. You may be able to find people who are dealing with challenges and need people to relate with. Create an online profile or group and get in touch with specialists in the area to notify them of your group so they can refer patients.

If you need assistance finding support in the TBI community, join TryMunity today. You are not alone, we are all in this together.