Top Tips for Avoiding Summertime Injuries

Avoid Summer InjuriesSummer time is the perfect time to participate in a variety of fun outdoor activities including rock climbing, biking, swimming, soccer, and more. As physical activity increases, however, the opportunities for a visit to the emergency room also tend to increase. We at TryMunity want to help you enjoy the warm weather as much as possible without the risk of sustaining a traumatic brain injury or other serious injury. Avoiding summer injuries is a manageable task when you follow the top tips listed below.

1. Wear Protective Gear

Head injuries resulting from riding a motorcycle, skateboarding, biking, and rollerblading are very common in the summer. Helmets significantly reduce the risk of head and brain injuries and they can save you a lot of money on your medical bill if you have an accident. Other protective gear such as knee pads and elbow pads can also save you a lot of unnecessary pain.

2. Plan Ahead

Do not participate in any kind of activity without first planning ahead. Many summer injuries occur when people decide to participate in dangerous activities, such as rock climbing at the spur of the moment without any protective gear or any knowledge of the terrain. If it is your first time participating in an activity, it is important to receive proper instruction beforehand from someone who is trained in outdoor safety techniques.

3. Only Drink Alcohol in Moderation

One of the most obvious, and often ignored, ways to avoid summertime injuries is to limit the amount of alcohol that you drink when participating in high risk activities. Even small amounts of alcohol can dampen your senses and decrease your ability to steer clear of dangerous situations.

For more information about avoiding summertime injuries that may lead to traumatic brain injuries, join our TryMunity community today.