Traumatic Brain Injury Medical Breakthrough May Help Survivors

EffectiveTraumatic Brain Injury Medical Breakthrough treatments for traumatic brain injuries are still being studied, but currently, there is no widely available treatment that can reduce the damage or reverse the effects of a brain injury. At TryMunity, we follow ongoing scientific efforts at making the next traumatic brain injury medical breakthrough. Although further research is needed, the following two treatments show promise for someday helping survivors.

Treatment to Stabilize Severe Injuries

One study is testing the benefits of the human hormone progesterone in stabilizing patients and curbing the damage that occurs during a brain injury. According to materials from Emory University, preliminary research found the following outcomes when TBI survivors were given progesterone shortly after an injury:

  • Patient mortality was reduced by 50 percent.
  • Patients showed improved functional outcomes and decreased disability.
  • The treatment had no apparent adverse affects.

This research has progressed into a phase III clinical trial, which means the treatment may become commercially available if it successfully passes this phase. This traumatic brain injury medical breakthrough cannot help survivors who have been severely injured, unfortunately, but another treatment may do just that.

Rehabilitative Treatment for Milder Injuries

Research from the Institute of Neurological Recovery suggests that administration of the drug etanercept may reduce lingering neurological dysfunction after a brain injury. Patients who received this treatment showed improvements in motor control and cognition, but researchers note that the treatment is not for severe injuries. Patients received the drug more than 9 years after suffering the injury, on average, which suggests this treatment may help people who have long lived with TBIs.

Ongoing Research Efforts

Both of these treatments require further study. Whether or not the treatments are considered successful, survivors and researchers will continue to hope for the traumatic brain injury medical breakthrough that will yield a genuine cure.

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