Concussions: Common Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury

Our brains are amazing organs. They are responsible for the executive function for most other parts of the body. They are the centers for information processing, motor function and learning. Unfortunately, there are events—car accidents, sporting accidents, falls, etc—that can damage the sensitive tissues of the brain and cause a traumatic brain injury.  At TryMunity, our goal is to educate and support those affected by these types of injuries.

One of the most common types of brain injury is a concussion. This occurs when forces sufficiently cause the brain to impact the skull. This trauma is a serious medical concern and should be identified and treated promptly. Here are some common physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms to look out for:


Often a person suffering from this type of brain injury displays a lack of motor coordination or may complain of a headache, dizziness, nausea, and blurred vision. Some even experience seizures after a traumatic brain incident.


A person who has suffered a trauma to the brain will likely seem confused and disoriented. They might even show signs of post-traumatic amnesia. Their sensory perceptions may be distorted such as taste and smell.


A person’s emotional temperament may change as well. Common affective symptoms include irritability, crankiness, tearfulness, depression and restlessness. That person may not act and feel as he or she normally does.

Knowing the signs and symptoms to look out for is one of the best ways to identify a traumatic head injury; connect with a brain injury survivors network for additional resources. At TryMunity, we seek to further this education and provide support for those affected by these kinds of injuries. Call us at 214-310-1356 for more information.